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Valencia Versus the Red Palm Weevil

Valencia Versus the Red Palm Weevil

The red palm weevil (or Rhynchophorus Ferrugineus as its mother calls it) is an insect that has been killing palm trees all over the Mediterranean, and which arrived in Spain…

Valencian Architectural Giants

Valencian Architectural Giants

Two Valencian architects, Carla Herranz and Carla Garzó won the 2016 Rethinking Competition, an international competition encouraging architects to reinvent themselves and think outside the box. The challenge was to…

The Eye (of Horus) in the Sky

The Eye (of Horus) in the Sky

The Egyptian God Horus had the body of a man and the head of a falcon, and his fantastic eyesight, which allowed him to control what mere mortals were up…

Sisbrick: Earthquake? What Earthquake?

Sisbrick: Earthquake? What Earthquake?

Researchers at the Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Hormigón (Icitech) at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) have taken a step towards creating buildings better able to resist the…

Elche Lab Leads Anti-Zika Mission

Elche Lab Leads Anti-Zika Mission

The Elche- based laboratory Genetic PCR has developed a new, “highly inclusive” RT-qPCR kit for rapid genetic detection of the Zika virus. The RT-qPCR kit allows Zika virus genetic detection…

Ampere Energy Savings

Ampere Energy Savings

Ampere Energy is a Valencian SME with big ideas. The company has developed software and a battery that permits users to connect to the grid and buy their energy at…

Light at the End of the Garage?

Light at the End of the Garage?

Lug Energy now offers advice and energy saving products at street level, having opened a retail outlet at Avenida Hermanos Machado 137, Valencia, where shoppers can find ways to reduce energy…

Quaternium: Flying High

Quaternium: Flying High

The Valencian company Quaternium has raised the bar in the development of drones, producing a model that can fly for as long as 4 hours without refueling, six times greater…

Elche, the Final Frontier

Elche, the Final Frontier

PLD Space, based in the Science Park of Alicante University in Elche, is the first Spanish company to obtain a contract to test liquid rocket engines developed at the German…

The Stars Seen from Valencia

The Stars Seen from Valencia

Scientists from Valencia, in collaboration with colleagues from Granada, Cádiz and the Canary Islands, have been able to accurately measure the structure of an object next to a black hole…