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February 2015 - Valencia International


Home » 2015 » February

Francisco Mora: Valencia’s Gaudí? Part One

Francisco Mora: Valencia’s Gaudí? Part One

Thousands of people visit Gaudí’s monuments in Barcelona, and his name appears in films such as Vicky, Christina, Barcelona, Gaudí Afternoon and Antonioni’s The Passenger; and yet Valencia has its…

Colon Market

Colon Market

The old Anglo Saxon word for market was “ceap”, from which we get the word ‘cheap’. Colon Market is anything but cheap and is a fairly successful attempt to “do…

VI Visits Onteniente

VI Visits Onteniente

At the invitation of the Santillana-Richmond publishing company, Valencia International entertained two groups of students on 24th February 2015. The students worked with maps of the UK and London, and…

Colegio Trafalgar Strikes Back

Colegio Trafalgar Strikes Back

On Tuesday 17th February Year 7 pupils of Trafalgar School visited L’Iber Museum to see the exhibition entitled “Hollywood and History”.   We were welcomed by Bob Yareham, who explained…

Valencia International in the Media

Valencia International in the Media

Valencia International is in the news again! Various media, both Valencian and national, published articles and a video documentary about our Wander through the Huerta of Alboraya activity, following a…

Colegio Trafalgar at L’Iber (Again!)

Colegio Trafalgar at L’Iber (Again!)

For the second day running students at Colegio Trafalgar experienced Hollywood & History and a guided tour in English of the world’s biggest collection of toy soldiers. Students of 2nd…

Colegio Trafalgar Visits L’Iber Museum

Colegio Trafalgar Visits L’Iber Museum

On Tuesday 17th February a group of students from Colegio Trafalgar became the latest to enter the Time Machine which is the world’s biggest toy soldier museum. Once again there…

APAVAC Book Club

APAVAC Book Club

Hiya all! What do “Asterix in Britain” and “English Beauty” have in common? Got you there, didn’t I?  Well, they both get you all tangled up in the intricacies and…

Valencia’s Other Artists: José Benlliure

Valencia’s Other Artists: José Benlliure

José Benlliure y Gil (1858 – 1937) was a contemporary of Sorrolla, and the Sorrolla Musuem, which is curiously located in Madrid, has in fact a painting of Sorrolla by…

Who is that Man?

Who is that Man?

They say Valencia is different, and they are usually right. Plaza Manises is one of Valencia’s most significant squares; located in the historic centre of the city, surrounded by the…

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