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Home-made Valencian Hi-Tech - Valencia International


Home-made Valencian Hi-Tech

Paterna-based Valencian company ImasD has developed a project called Click ARM in collaboration with several engineering firms and Spanish companies, and with the Korean giant Samsung providing semiconductors and screens. Nevertheless, the manufacturing of the product will only take place in Spain.


The basic concept is a mother board, to which you can add, remove or change the RAM memory, store memory, the processor (Gama Samsung Exynos) as well as communication modules (WIFI, 3 / 4 G, Bluetooth, GPS, sensors, cameras, etc.) It is all about a platform that is adaptable to the needs (and let’s face it, whims) of the user who will be able to choose its configuration or expand the performance of the device and acquire new modules separately.

Click ARM is very similar to what you can do nowadays with desktop computers but applicable to the mobile technology which supposes a radical change for the Tablet market as it will be the user (and not the manufacturer) who will decide the ‘life cycle of the product’.

However, Click ARM is a lot more than just a modular Tablet. In addition to this application, Click ARM implies a revolution for both the industrial sector and the massive production of ARM devices (mobile and integrated technology). Its connections CANBUS, RS232/RS485/TTL, connection interfaces of free documentation and communication ports, compatible with industrial standards, converts it into the most reliable, lasting and economical solution for industry. Furthermore, this standardization process will allow the mass production of devices, the same way it is done with the component production of clone computers.

Click ARM is compatible with operating systems of Core Linux (Ubuntu Touch, Android, Tizen).

According to Pedro Peláez, Francis Milán and Ignacio García, the founders of ImasD: “The path we choose defines who we are. We are more than tourism, we are more than brick. We are what we do, and what we do is create technology in Spain”.


On their website they claim that you can create your own Tablet in 5 minutes, and that they will then manufacture it and send it to your home.

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