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Riding on Empty - Valencia International


Riding on Empty

Cycling experts say that you should never go on a long journey without back up, including a spare inner tube. 31 year old Valencian Juan Dual however is going a step further and cycling 13,000 kilometres without a colon, rectum, stomach or gallbladder.

It’s not that Juan is forgetful; it’s just that his journey is a little bit more special than most others.

juan dual

His days on the road are an attempt to raise funds for the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, for which reason he’s cycling all the way from Valencia to Ushuaia in Argentina.

Doctors have been removing parts of Juan since he was 19, but far from being downhearted, he is fighting back against a hereditary disease.

In November 2015, Juan started his journey in South America, and has already clocked up 4,400 kilometres in Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

He’ll soon be back for the next 8,000 through Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, where he’ll spend Christmas.

His adventure is called Running for life, and can be followed on his web site, where it is also possible to make a donation and allow him the privilege of inspiring and encouraging all of those who have suffered from cncer and other medical problems.


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