
Valencian Wetlands Welcome Promiscuous Warbler

The aquatic warbler has multiple offspring with multiple partners and is generally seen as a home-wrecker among ornithologists. Nevertheless, they are swamping Valencia’s extensive network of wetlands in their thousands.

The bird is considered one of the most endangered species in the world and for this reason the foundation Global Nature has been raiding nests, ringing the ring-leaders and holding 7 members of the flock hostage.

The roundups are being carried out in 5 key gathering points, the wetlands (marjales) La Marjal de Pego-Oliva, l’Albufera de Valencia, Marjal de Rafalell i Vistabella, Marjal dels Moros and El Prat de Cabanes-Torreblanca.

All the evidence indicates that Valencia’s wetlands are a key location to wet their beaks for the birds, whose migrations take them from Africa to eastern Europe and back again each year.

The policing work is being carried out in collaboration with LIFE Paludicola in order to revert the decrease of warblers (aka Acrocephalus paludicola).


Despite their endangered status, the warblers have their own Spanish website at


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