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Waste not Want not in Guadassuar - Valencia International


Waste not Want not in Guadassuar


We all know that people are wasteful, and that our grandparents must be turning in their graves on learning that we don’t return bottles, put a brick in our cisterns, repair our clothes or share a shower.

Fortunately, technology is starting to do the things we are too lazy to do.

The new recycling plant in the Valencian village of Guadassuar is completing a process of reducing waste from 67 % to less than 30 %.

The plant has to deal with 35 tons of fresh garbage an hour has currently reduced dumping through recycling methods from 67% to 48%, and when the installation is running at full speed, it is hoped to fall below 30%.

By the end of 2017 it is forecast that the plant will have recycled over 80,000 tons of trash, and intends to extend that to 93,000 a year when the plant is fully working, reaching over 155,000 tons in the near future.

The plant, which serves 52 surrounding towns and villages, is considered to be the most efficient in Europe, and was recently visited by a delegation from the Ukraine, looking for answers to their own rubbish problem.

Reciclados Ribera de Xúquer is the company in charge of running the plant.


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