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Social Nest: Good Ideas, Good Vibrations - Valencia International


Social Nest: Good Ideas, Good Vibrations

From a social problem to a sustainable business

In Social Nest we promote sustainable businesses that seek to have a positive social impact.

We support people who bring innovative solutions to society’s most pressing social and environmental challenges.

We are more than happy to answer any of your questions and doubts you may have as an entrepreneur. Is my idea viable? Is anyone going to buy my products? How do I get the financial resources I need?

We carry out training programmes and workshops with experts in key areas such as social innovation, strategic planning, business development and financial management.

Our mentors will professionally accompany you throughout the kick-start process of your social enterprise. Over 1,000 hours of mentoring have demonstrated to us that it is possible to minimize the risks related to launching a social Enterprise.

We will introduce you to a wide network of companies and investors that will fund your project if they believe in it. Entities such as BigBan or La Caixa have already collaborated with us.

We will broadcast your project in the media and in social networks. In addition, our events will be the perfect opportunity to promote your project.

In our space, you will be able to work alongside other like-minded people. Entrepreneurs who understand your concerns and give you the boost you need in hard times.

Once your project is launched, we will keep track of your progress. The reason is simple: we want your social company to fulfill its mission grow in a sustainable and sustained manner.

Never forget the reason why you started

The journey of a social entrepreneur is full of obstacles and uncertainty. There will even be times when you’ll be tempted to give up. Social Nest knows it. That is why we look for passionate people who are not scared of working hard. 100% committed entrepreneurs to their project keep in mind why they started this trip

Three programmes like three bright stars

Social Nest carries out different programmes in order to, designed to launch and encourage social programmes such as yours. If you have an idea that may change the world or if you are already working for change, join us.


A great idea only generates impact if it is viable and sustainable. This program is designed to validate your project and to discover its potential. You will have access to quality trainers and mentors that will help you develop your initial project proposal.

Training sessions to develop your entrepreneurial skills

Validation of your business model with the help of experts

Strategic clearness, motivation and down-to-earth ideas


Are you convinced that your idea has potential? This program will give you the necessary tools to pass tests, validate your value proposition and attract investors.

Training in finance, marketing, sales, legal issues…

Courses with mentors specialized in strategy and investment

Methodologies to improve your value proposal and funding access


If your social company is already working and it’s time to move forward to another level, we will help you to find a sustainable growth method in order to help you to accelerate without being derailed.

Perfect programme in order to reinforce your social company

Classroom sessions with mentors who are specialized in strategy and funding

Access to investors who will help you improve specific areas of your project

A nonconformist community

Entrepreneurship is hard, but nobody said it you had to do it alone. In addition to helping you improve your project, Social Nest offers a workspace where you can share experiences with other entrepreneurs; learn the keys to networking and launching a/your sustainable social enterprise.

Coworking + Training + Events

Which projects do we launch?

Yes, we admit it… we are pretty demanding. In order to access to our programmes, candidates go through a rigorous selection process. The social needs that we face require that we give the most of ourselves and demand that you give the most of yourselves.

We look for ideas to improve vulnerable people’s lives



Human rights

Citizens’ participation

Economic development


We support initiatives at any development stage

Idea stage

Validation stage

Growth stage

We select solid projects with great impact potential

Large Target Market with growth possibilities


New and different solutions

Entrepreneurs 100% dedicated to your project

Spreading sustainability from Almería

Juanjo Amate is an Andalusian environmentalist who describes himself as a “sustainability builder”. With his project, Sostenibilidad a Medida (tailor-made sustainability), he helps companies find the balance between financial growth and environmental impact.

This is a  difficult, but not impossible, challenge for Juanjo; a passionate person, with a rich cultural background and a creative mind..

Thanks to his events and his actions, he is planting seeds of sustainability in companies and organizations around him..These seeds have led to the growth of green businesses.


Parents and teachers united by technology

Daniela and Jota have two daughters. When it was time to take their children to nursery school, they were faced with a serious problem: they had a hard time communicating with teachers because of the difficulty of coordinating parents’ and teachers’ schedules.

Faced with this problem, Daniela and Jota decided to create Nunna. Nunna is an online calendar which facilitates a more fluid interaction between teachers and parents. It is the link between the two pillars of the youngster’s education: the school and the family.

More than 2,000 parents are already using Nunna Online technology in order to enhance their children’s education.


From waste to resource

Although coffee capsules seem to be harmless, they are a dangerous to our environment. They are so small that they cannot be managed by the current collection system. Moreover, coffee produces methane, a gas that is 20 times more harmful than CO2.

Pablo and Roberto have developed a pioneering system that recycle coffee and tea capsules that have, up until now, ended up in garbage dumps . As if that weren’t enough, they also pick up capsules from houses and transform the coffee grounds into a high-quality fertilizer.

In other words, they transform waste into a valuable resource for farmers, growers and landscaping companies.


Ingredients with designation of origin

How about if we move to the Andean and Amazonian regions of Peru? From there, Alicia and John work with local producers in order to obtain natural ingredients that are used to develop medicines, food and cosmetics.

Fruits, vegetables and indigenous pulses are harvested responsibly, without endangering native biodiversity and preventing the overexploitation of the territory.

Q’omer proves that it is possible to produce environmentally friendly consumption products.


Parc Científic de la Universidad de Valencia

C/ Catedrático José Beltrán nº2, ICMOL Building. Dpt 4.

46980 Valencia, Spain.

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