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Oncovision’s MASSive Investment in Boston - Valencia International


Oncovision’s MASSive Investment in Boston


Oncovision is an innovative medical imaging technology company from Valencia, which has been collaborating for some time with scientists in Boston Massachusetts, home of MIT.

State Governor Deval Patrick recently praised the Valencian company and welcomed their contributions to a thriving life sciences community.

A spin-off of the prestigious Institute for Research on Molecular Imaging I3M (National Council for Scientific Research + Polytechnical University of Valencia), Oncovision, since its founding in 2003, has developed and manufactured three ground-breaking product lines that have received numerous awards:

  1. Sentinella, for real-time imaging of tumors and lymph nodes in the operating room
  2. Albira, a revolutionary PET, SPECT, CT imaging device for animal research, in alliance with Billerica, Massachusetts based Bruker Corporation.
  3. MammiPET, the highest resolution molecular imaging system in the world for breast cancer. This technology – dedicated Breast PET- comes on the market at a time when current breast imaging modalities are being scrutinized  as to their efficacy, and specialists are talking more and more about the benefits of complementing today’s anatomical imaging with molecular imaging of the breast, which is precisely what Oncovision’s technology does so well.
  4. oncovision

Oncovision hopes that the concentration of highly skilled and talented people will help forge partnerships that will benefit both the US and European fight against cancer.


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