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No They Camn’t: with Look&Lock - Valencia International


No They Camn’t: with Look&Lock

Some people seem to be prepared to sell their dignity in order to appear on TV; others pay good money to ensure that they don’t. The clients of WSS (Webcam Security System) are probably among the latter.

Nowadays it’s hard to commit a crime and get away with it with so many security cameras around, but the one most people don’t think about is right there in front of you on your PC; the webcam.

Look&Lock has been designed by WSS to prevent your PC system being used against you, as well as a means of protecting your children from cyber-intruders.

WSS holds the world patent for this device which they have developed here in Valencia.


It must be good, as those kings of cyber espionage, the USA, have already bought 30,000 units according to CEO Miguel Ángel Garcerá


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