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Mobincube: Valencian APPlied Science - Valencia International


Mobincube: Valencian APPlied Science

Why download an app from the Internet when you can download one from your own brain? That’s the philosophy of Mobincube, a Valencian company that allows users to create their own personalised, customised apps in four easy steps.


Their interface permits you to create any kind of app: from business to educational, entertainment to games, home to health, with just a click, a drag, a drop, a copy and a paste.

There are 5 levels and the first, Starter is free. If you want something more complex you have to pay for the Standard, Advanced, Pro and Reseller models, but by then you’re probably running your own business anyway, or your rich parents locked you in your room with nothing more than a computer and a credit Card until you turn 40.

Alternatively there is an education plan which allows students and teachers to create apps for free for pedagogical purposes, designed to awaken their entrepreneurial spirit.

Mobincube already has more than a million registered users worldwide, and there is even a course at the prestigious Stanford University that uses their software.

Valencian high tech wizards Fernando Marzal, Carlos Iborra and Ignacio Roda are the founders of Mobincube, which has already had more than a hundred million downloads since its creation in 2008.

So great has been their success that they now have an office in San Francisco, without abandoning their Valencian base.

Home is after all, where the heart is.

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