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Let’s Go With Lego in La Palma - Valencia International


Let’s Go With Lego in La Palma

More than 550 regional tournaments since 1998 in 55 countries, involving over  16,000 teams and 30,000 volunteers, and among them a team from Colegio Palma called Palma Friend’s (we hope they mean Friends).


The students, aged 13 and 14 were competing in the regional tournament of the First Lego League organised by the Cardenal Herrera CEU San Pablo University, and they won the prize for Innovative Solutions with a special project for a prototype to detect and prevent forest fires at the Bosque de Vallesa in La Cañada, near paterna.

First Lego is an international project designed to increase and enhance students’ interest in science, mixing science and sport and encouraging students to resolve problems and appreciate the value of teamwork through the research and design of robots.

The students from La Palma should now move on to the national (and who knows, international?) finals.

Valencia International congratulates the teachers and students of La Palma school, and would welcome articles about similar international, pedagogical projects and activities from other schools in the Valencia Community.

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