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Keep Your Shirt On - Valencia International


Keep Your Shirt On


Wearables are the future, and the Valencian Company Sepiia 2080 is leading the way in the clothing sector with a shirt that rejects liquids like water off a duck’s back.


This is very good news for all we slobs who can’t seem to finish a meal without creating a second meal on our chests.

Federico Sainz de Robles, an Industrial Design engineer, in collaboration with the Valencian textile industry technological association AITEX, is the mastermind behind Sepiia, and is familiar with worldwide tendencies, having worked in New York with designer Suzanne Rae.

The search for textiles that are odourless, creaseless and stainless is nothing new, but now these garments are being fitted increasingly with all kinds of technological devices, and where once upon a time people  might wear their hearts on their sleeves, in the not too distant future, the sleeve could be the communications centre of a liberated business person.

Among the other contributors to the Sepiia 2080 team are graphic artist Paloma Mariné.

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