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ITEAM: Making Sense of the Future - Valencia International


ITEAM: Making Sense of the Future

The challenge of the Finessse Project, coordinated by the Federal Polytechnic University of Lausanne in Switzerland is to create an operational nervous system using advanced optical scanners, and Valencia Polytechnic University (UPV) is playing a key role through its Instituto de Telecomunicaciones y Aplicaciones Multimedia (ITEAM).


ITEAM has over 15 years of experience in the field and is led by researcher Salvador Sales, whose team includes Ivana Gasulla, Javier Madrigal, David Barrera and Demetrio Sartiano.

Salvador Sales

The objective behind FINESSE (FIbre NErvous Sensing SystEms) is to mimic the nervous system of living bodies by turning man-made and natural structures into objects that are sensitive to external stimuli owing to advanced distributed fibre-optic sensor technology, with the objective of either giving early warning in case of possible danger or occurrence of damage, or optimising the operation of the structure to allow for a sustainable use of natural resources and assets. Enabling such functionalities will greatly contribute to realizing a safe, secure and energy efficient Europe, which is a well identified social concern.

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