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IES Malilla Speaks about Hollywood & History - Valencia International


IES Malilla Speaks about Hollywood & History

4th year ESO students from IES Malilla became the latest passengers on our trip back in time in collaboration with L’Iber Museum.


The Hollywood & History activity is becoming increasingly popular, with schools from Alicante and Castellón provinces bringing their students to discover what is fact and what is fiction in historical films made in Spain, in English.

The students were accompanied by their teachers Concha and Mila, and after the visit some of the students wrote their opinions.

My experience in the museum

By Alex Coronado

I enjoyed this experience because going to a museum is not usual for me and I hadn’t ever gone to a tin soldiers museum. That was very awesome because collecting so many tin soldiers from all over the world is very hard and only a few can do this. The museum is awesome because it is like a time machine, you can watch the evolution of history with the tin soldiers ordered so well.

There are places in the museum that surprised me like the place where the representation of the battle of Almansa was. There you can see over four thousand little soldiers in a ”box” of 3×5 metres representing the fight of some countries in Almansa for the crown of Spain. It was my favourite place. The rest of the museum is great and it is composed of 95,000 tin soldiers representing scenes of Napoleon, Julius Caesar and Francisco Franco.

In conclusion, it was an original and great experience for me.


The visit to L’Iber Museum was a great experience. It was amazing to see the number of soldiers who can be collected by a person. I also liked the way that they represented different periods of history with tin soldiers. As Bob said, the museum was a time machine. Soldiers representing different periods such as prehistoric times, Egyptians, Romans, Almansa battle, Waterloo battle, and more things.

It was also interesting to see the differences between what really happened and what we see in movies. Movies don’t often represent reality.

Marta Granado De Fez 4 B



Last Wednesday we went to L’IBER museum. This museum has the largest number of toy soldiers in the world. It is a house and the people who live there have travelled around the world looking for toy soldiers.

When we arrived, Bob explained the history of the museum and he showed us the rooms where the toy soldiers were. The museum is very interesting because you can see lots of toy soldiers from different eras. You can see recreations of battles from around the world too. Everything was very well and carefully done. In addition to all that they have uniforms and family pictures.

Then, we went to visit the museum and after we saw a projection about the relationship of Hollywood and history. This projection is very interesting because in Hollywood mistakes take place about history. These mistakes happen because they want to make the protagonist a hero. Bob showed scenes of the film ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ and we could see all mistakes.

The excursion was very refreshing, I think the visit of the museum was very good but in the projection many people were bored. This occurred because they could have been more entertaining but in general the visit was unique.

I don’t like toy soldiers but in this museum I found some well-crafted figures and I was struck by how small they are. At the time I left the place I liked these soldiers a little more. Finally, I recommend 100% the visit of this museum because you can learn things about many topics.

Sandra Martínez Lara 4ºA


Our excursion to the L’Iber Museum.

On Wednesday 11th the IES Malilla students went to visit the L’Iber Museum of Valencia with Bob. Here we had a very good time, Bob explained the history of this museum to us and how a man collected all the tin soldiers.

I learned that there are around 95,000 pieces in 3, 000 m2 of museum. That was my favourite part of the day because it was very exciting to see all these tin soldiers so tidy in every cabinet. There are soldiers from all over the world and with them you can learn a lot about the history of many countries. There are lots of representations of wars with thousands of figures, it’s very impressive. But in this museum you can find more things than tin soldiers. There’s a room (the room of the daily life) where the tin soldiers are not fighting, they are just in their homes with their family or working as a baker or farmer in their everyday life. Here you can find figures of famous characters like Mafalda, Mortadelo and Filemón, Tintin, Asterix and Obelix and some of them representing a miniature comic. There are Disney characters too, like princesses or villains , they are very nice.

After that, Bob spoke about some historical movies that were filmed in Spain and how the cinema industry changed the real history that happened in the past for their own benefit. We saw some parts of the film Kingdom of Heaven and then photos of the places where these scenes were filmed. Bob told us that we don’t have to believe all that we see in the films because in a lot of them what they show us is not the truth. They sometimes change reality to create a perfect but a false film.

This activity was very original and very useful because I had visited this museum a lot of times with my family, but never had anyone told me those interesting things about the museum and the tin soldiers. I hope we will repeat the experience and to see Bob again!

Claudia Pérez Tortajada.



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