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Gosi: Lost & Found - Valencia International


Gosi: Lost & Found

‘Gos’ is the Valencian word for dog, or so I’m led to believe, and Gosi is a new Valencian company whose purpose is to put an end to those notices you often see on lampposts, where someone is looking for their lost pet.

Gosi is a Smart dog collar for less than smart dog owners, who take their dog out for a walk and then misplace it.

One person who suffered this fate was Valencian María Jorques, the CEO of Gosi, who misplaced Martín for several days and came up with the idea.

Not only does the device help to locate the dog’s whereabouts; it is also a latest generation wearable, tracking the animal’s state of health and assisting in its training.

Rumours that the company is designing a similar device for children are strongly denied unfortunately.

The collar is shock-proof, water-proof and cat-proof probably, using GPS and Bluetooth technology, but using satellite locators that don’t depend on a telephone network. This also means that the lost mutt can be located even if it is on the other side of the planet, as opposed to the 40 metres of other models on the market.


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