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Fun in a Case, Kids in a Box - Valencia International


Fun in a Case, Kids in a Box

All parents know that whatever high-tech, state of the art, cutting edge gift you buy for your children, in the end their natural creativity will assert itself, and they will end up playing with the box.

‘Fun in a Case’ may be a case in point. It was designed by Innoarea, a spin off of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), with the brand name Innedit Kids, and in September 2015 was selected as one of the 20 most innovative childhood projects at the Kind + Jügend trade fair at Cologne in Germany.

Beatriz García Prósper, Patricia Rodrigo and Gabriel Songel, the creators of the Project also participated in Kids Design Week in Milan in April 2015.

Fun in a Case may be a reflection of the popular saying among British parents, that “children should be seen and not heard”, and consists of a series of boxes with various accessories, which can create a variety of objects and situations, with the kids both in and outside the boxes, which are made of a new high-tech, state of the art, cutting edge material called wood.


With a little bit of imagination and a dash of stubbornness, Fun in a Case can become a boat, a plane, a car, a kitchen or a dolls house; hours of fun. But be careful to throw away the box it is delivered in, otherwise you know what will happen……..

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