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And the Winners are........Craig and Reza! - Valencia International


And the Winners are……..Craig and Reza!

I’d like to ask a favour. Could you nominate us for a podcast award?
We won last year, and thank you so much if you voted, but this year it’s a lot harder.
Nominations are via Facebook. If you’re on Facebook go to ‘La Mansion del ingles‘ Facebook page and on the top post click on ‘More Options’ to see our podcast “Aprender Ingles con Reza y Craig’.
Just tick the box, it only takes a second.
I hope we win again this year!
If you haven’t heard the podcast yet, it’s here:
Thanks.Very much appreciated!

“A Valencia-based podcast which teaches English to Spaniards, co-hosted by Reza Shah and Craig Wealand, won Best Educational podcast category at the New Media Europe podcast awards in Manchester, UK last weekend.

The podcast, called Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig, is produced by and can be found on the website

Reza and Craig, both teachers at the British Council, Valencia, started the podcast in 2013 and were thrilled to be recognised by their audience and by their podcasting peers.”

The learning project created by Craig Wealand and Reza Shah, two British teachers based in Valencia, was one of three finalists for the UK Podcasters award 2015, as well as reaching the final for the most engaged audience award.

The ‘Valencian’ entry was entitled ‘Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig’.

The winners were chosen by popular vote, and the results were revealed at a special conference in Manchester on September 12th 2015.

The weekly podcast helps students improve their vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.

Reza and Craig have over 40 years of teaching experience between them, although not always in the same classroom at the same time.

Reza and Craig

Reza and Craig

Reza grew up in Belfast, enjoys good food and has a soft spot for greyhounds, while Craig is originally from London, speaks Spanish badly and loves chocolate.

  1. Best educational podcast:
  1. Most engaged audience:

Craig was undoubtedly the talk of the conference, wearing the shirt that screamed and kissing everybody that moved with acquired Meditterranean verve.




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