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A NEW EXPERIENCE - Valencia International



By Jordi Salort Ortolá


Last 22nd March a group of German teenagers came to Oliva to spend an unforgettable week in Oliva. They stayed in the houses of the students of 1stBachillerato at Gregori Maians High School.

They spent about 25 hours on a bus on their way from Hassfurt to Oliva. They were all students from the Gymnasium in the city of Hassfurt.

First we visited all the landmarks in Oliva, even a mandarin factory where we got cold due to the lower temperatures. We also visited Valencia and the Albufera; perhaps it was one of the greatest days of this exchange as the weather was gorgeous and we could enjoy the fantastic landscape in the Albufera.

On Thursday and Friday we went to “El Mas de Xetà” to do some open air activities prepared by the “mediation group” from the Philosophy Department. We slept on berths and sleeping bags.

The last day of this experience was really moving. We went to a restaurant to have a great time with the family and teachers just before their departure.

To my mind, it was a great, unforgettable experience where we could enhance our English skills as well.

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