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June 2016 - Valencia International


Home » 2016 » June

Las Arenas Hotel

Las Arenas Hotel

If you like your market served up, but still like to feel that you’re walking in the footsteps of Hemingway, who used to hang around here without his gun, then…

‘Local’ girl makes good

‘Local’ girl makes good

 By Chris Dennison     The very popular and highly talented American singer Erin Corine, who graduated from Berklee and graced Ruzafa and the Valencian music scene for a few…

The Mirror

The Mirror

By Stella López Ruiz 3º ESO IES Federica Montseny. Burjassot. Teacher: Montserrat Casas It was seven minutes after midnight. Leila was reading one of her favourite books, a horror story.…

Riding on Empty

Riding on Empty

Cycling experts say that you should never go on a long journey without back up, including a spare inner tube. 31 year old Valencian Juan Dual however is going a…

Student Role Plays from IES Malilla

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A role play from César López and Miguel Fuentes (4 ESO ) IES Malilla…



  MY MIDNIGHT SUN By ALTEA GUEVARA ALONSO 2nd batxillerat Teacher’s name VICTORIA ANDRÉS LUENGO I.E.S  EL CABANYAL It was seven minutes after midnight and the  Sun was shining. It…



By Ana Satorre Sánchez SECCIÓ IES PARE ARQUES, Benilloba.   Teacher: Estela Martinez Bolinches It was seven past twelve and the party had finished. Oliver and I went to the…

DEVSTAT: Lending a Hand in Libya.

DEVSTAT: Lending a Hand in Libya.

The Valencian multinational DEVSTAT is collaborating in Libya to help control the one and a half million refugees that has entered the country fleeing war-torn Syria. With no census carried…

The Unknown Magician

The Unknown Magician

Name and surnames Hugo Méndez Lahoz Level 6th Teacher’sname  Paqui Matamoros Becerra     School CEIP8 Abril Town  San Antonio de Benageber (Valencia)              …

The real story of Cinderella

The real story of Cinderella

Name and surnames Yaiza Aguilar Quero Level 6th Teacher’sname  Paqui Matamoros Becerra School CEIP8 Abril Town  San Antonio de Benageber (Valencia) Title of the story The real story of Cinderella…

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