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International Students Win Valencian Robot Award

International Students Win Valencian Robot Award

In May 2014, Caxton College students Ana Araj from Lebanon and Benjamin Chen from China won third prize in the annual robotics competition “Desafio Robot,” which was held at the…

Valencia International Visits IES Francisco Ribalta

Valencia International Visits IES Francisco Ribalta

On the 14th April 2014, VI visited IES Francisco Ribalta school in Castellón in order to promote the newspaper and the language it is written in. We spoke to some…

Help Me Onda

Help Me Onda

Valencia International (VI) visited the Secció de l’ IES Serra Espadà, School in Onda, Castellón on Wednesday April 9th to help their students learn about London. Two enthusiastic classes asked…

APAVAC Reading Club (Part 2)

APAVAC Reading Club (Part 2)

By Michelle Ann Prabhu Hiya! > While looking up last year’s Nobel Prize winner Alice Munro, I came across an article that mentioned that two of her “short” stories  had been made into “full length” films.…

It’s official! English is Official!

It’s official! English is Official!

Officials at the European Union (and France) have finally accepted English as their lingua franca. Certain concessions are however expected to be part of the agreement that will put vast…

Jump the Queue with Stanboo

Jump the Queue with Stanboo

Being an Erasmus student involves taking a series of important decisions. However, if you’d rather dedicate your neurons to the pursuit of the Valencian students’ dream: sun, sand, sangria and…

Let’s Go With Lego in La Palma

Let’s Go With Lego in La Palma

More than 550 regional tournaments since 1998 in 55 countries, involving over  16,000 teams and 30,000 volunteers, and among them a team from Colegio Palma called Palma Friend’s (we hope…

VI Visits Massanassa

VI Visits Massanassa

Valencia International was delighted to receive an invitation from the Colegio de San José & San Andrés of Massanassa to visit the school and explain what our newspaper is to…

Valencia International Visits Pere Boil in Manises

Valencia International Visits Pere Boil in Manises

It was lunchtime in Manises on Valentine’s Day, but even so, a group of students who probably had better things to do went hungry in order to find out about…

Valencia International Invades Manises

Valencia International Invades Manises

The Valencia International Roadshow hit IES José Rodrigo Botet Manises on February 3rd 2014 as three groups of students were offered up for sacrifice by teacher Lola Pla. From 8.30…