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IES Serpis Discovers Alboraya

IES Serpis Discovers Alboraya

On Friday 19th December 2014 it was the turn of the students and teachers of IES Serpis to enjoy and learn all about the monuments, mysteries, legends, etymology, religion, millennia,…

IES Veles e Vents Visits L’Iber Museum

IES Veles e Vents Visits L’Iber Museum

30 students from IES Veles e Vents school from Torrent visited the L’Iber museum on 17th December 2014 to participate in Valencia International’s Hollywood and History collaboration, sponsored by Banco…

IES Malilla Walking and Talking Tour of Alboraya

IES Malilla Walking and Talking Tour of Alboraya

A group of students from IES Malilla and their heroic geography teacher Ángel spent a wet, muddy morning discovering monuments, mysteries, legends, etymology, religion, millennia, gastronomy, nutrition, ecology, ghosts, water,…

IES Benlliure Visits the Time Machine

IES Benlliure Visits the Time Machine

IES Benlliure is the latest school to go back in time and discover the past in the L’Iber Museum, the largest collection of toy soldiers and figures in the world.…

IES Barri del Carmen and El Cid

IES Barri del Carmen and El Cid

A second group of students from IES Barri del Carmen took advantage of the L’Iber Museums free activity for students, where the historical films made in Spain are examined and…

The Beatles Conquer Alberic

The Beatles Conquer Alberic

The Fab Four performed live in Alberic on Wednesday 10th December 2014 for three groups of students at the Consuelo Aranda Secondary School. The students discovered everything they wanted to…

APAVAC Readers’ Club (December 2014)

APAVAC Readers’ Club (December 2014)

The Elephant by Slawomir Mrozek. ​​ In the world as we know it, where freedom of expression is taken for granted, used and abused, it’s difficult to imagine a world…

Kibi Toys: Stimulating the Senses

Kibi Toys: Stimulating the Senses

Isaac Saneleuterio and Maya Callejo are two Valencians who probably wouldn’t give their children a Play Station as a present. They are the creators of Kibi Toys, and they make…

IES Barri del Carmen discovers El Cid

IES Barri del Carmen discovers El Cid

Teachers and students from the Barri del Carmen secondary school visited the L’Iber museum on 1st December 2014 to participate in the Hollywood and History project. After a tour of…

IES Malilla Videos

IES Malilla Videos

Bea Marqués, Miguel Sánchez Furió, Mónica Ballester and Paula Font are students from IES Malilla school. Recently, when Valencia International visited the school, they and their teacher Concha Pomares told…