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Vegamar's Champion Wine - Valencia International


Vegamar’s Champion Wine

The world of grapes is not as dull as it sounds. A lot of amateur oenologists will bore you to tears just reciting “white flowers, strawberry, chocolate” and soap for all I know, but to listen to a real expert, who understands how soil, altitude, humidity and the hour of picking can influence the final flavour of a wine, is a joy.

There are many kinds of grapes, among them ‘merseguera’, a largely Spanish grape, mainly found in the Alicante, Jumilla and Valencia regions.

The Valencian vineyard Vegamar would appear to make best use of this variety as their Vegamar Selección Merseguera was awarded the title of best wine of that variety in September 2017 by the World Association of Wine Writers and Journalists (WAWWJ).

Vegamar is located in Calles, in the province of Valencia in the wine making región known as Alto Turia. The vineyard was founded in 1999 and has gone from strength to strength with a policy of innovation and internationalisation.

In an area irrigated by the rivers Turia and Tuéjar, where grapes and olives flourish in a unique microclimate in the Los Serranos region at 600 metres above sea level, Vegamar welcomes visitors.

By the way, ever wondered how grapefruits got their name? It’s because they grow in bunches and reminded some unoriginal explorer of grapes.



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