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Valencian Software Developer Aids Distance Healing On-Line Vets - Valencia International


Valencian Software Developer Aids Distance Healing On-Line Vets

The animals in California’s San lot better these days thanks to the imagination of Valencian software developer and Telecommunications Engineer Juan José Cermeño .


Juan José Cermeño, a graduate of Valencia Polytechnic University, has developed a system which permits real time transmission of ecographs, enabling vets to diagnose patients on-line, without the expense of having to actually visit the Zoo or transfer the animals to a clinic.

This time saving allows the average vet to triplicate his activity during a working day.

In a related field, Turyon, Juan José’s company, has pioneered a software system providing an integrated data base for patients which has so far attracted 15,000 downloads and the attention of the prestigious Harvard Medical School.

In the two years since its founding, Turyon Projects (named in part after Valencia’s  Turia River) has caused a quiet revolution in the world of medical teachnology, particularly in the field of radiology, where three dimensional X-rays of high quality can mean the difference between life and death.

Their first product HoruX is designed to streamline the bureaucracy of hospital management, allowing doctors more contact time with their patients, incorporating all aspects from appointments to diagnosis.

The system has now been adopted all over the world, including Australia, Singapore and Japan and includes both free and paid elements.

Turyon was also contacted by an American hospital in Nebraska, one specialising in sports injuries, and Turyon is now adapting its software to the hospital’s needs, providing a personalised service which is a trademark of the organisation.

full_JuanJoseCerme_o2Communication is another essential problem overcome by Turyon systems, allowing doctors in Casualty units immediate access to crucial medical records that may be many miles away.

Turyon Projects is an excellent example of how state of the art technology, hard work, often without immediate rewards, and personal drive and initiative can make a Valencian SME a world leader.


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