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Valencian Scientist Named President of the Internet - Valencia International


Valencian Scientist Named President of the Internet

To be President of the Internet sounds a bit like being a character in an Asimov novel, and yet Valencian Telecom researcher and Polytechnic (UPV) professor Jaime Lloret is just that.


To be accurate, which should in no way be a hindrance to the creative journalist, Jaime is in fact the President of the Internet Technical Committee, although plans for world domination are believed to be hidden away in a dark corner of his office in the Gandia campus of the UPV.

The ITC was created in 1994 by the IEEE Communications Society and the Internet Society.

It is supposed to stimulate interdisciplinary technical exchange and the application of state of the art communications and related technologies to Internet infrastructure and services, seeking to generate new technical insights from interaction between the Internet and public network communities and contributing to the worldwide emergence of a ubiquitous, multimedia, and high-performance Internet.

The scope of the Committee includes evolution of the IP protocol; architectural and scaling issues; addressing, routing, and directory services; protocols and technologies in support of real-time media; dynamic control of quality of service; congestion control and admission policies; signaling and network management; access via diverse local and metropolitan networks; information retrieval and sharing; the enabling of new services and applications over the Internet; and the development of potential Internet successors.

But most of us know that they are secretly seeking world domination; and after earth, the entire Universe!

Jaime Lloret received his M.Sc. in Physics in 1997 at University of Valencia and he finished a postgraduate Master in Corporative networks and Systems Integration from the Department of Communications in 1999. Later, he received his M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering in 2003 at the University of Valencia and his Ph.D. in telecommunication engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in 2006. Before concluding his PhD. Thesis he obtained the first place given by the Spanish Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation for the Campus of Excellence in the New Technologies and Applied Sciences Area. He was awarded the prize of the best doctoral Student in the Telecommunications area in 2006 according to the Social Council of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He is a Cisco Certified Network Professional Instructor of the regional academy “Universidad Politécnica de Valencia” in the Cisco Networking Academy Program (CNAP) and he is the Legal Main Contact of UPV-ADIF (local academy of the CNAP). He teaches Local Area Networks and Systems Integration in the “Escuela Politecnica Superior de Gandia” from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He has been working as a network designer and administrator in several companies. His academic interests and research are P2P networks, Wireless Local Area Networks, Sensor Networks and Routing Protocols. He also researches on educational approaches and strategies.

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