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Valencian Professor Heads European Environmental Science Institute. - Valencia International


Valencian Professor Heads European Environmental Science Institute.

The European Academy of Sciences (EURASC) is a non-profit non-governmental, independent organization at the forefront of research and development of advanced technologies, aimed at promoting science and technology as a means of fostering social and economic development.

Antonio Camacho has been named head of one of its nine sections, that of Environmental Earth Sciences.

antonio camacho

Doctor Camacho is Head of Research at the Aquatic Ecology Group of the Cavanilles Institute for Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, and Associate Professor at the Department of Microbiology and Ecology of the University of Valencia.

The Institute is named after another Antonio, the famous Valencian botanist Antonio Cavanilles:

Our Antonio got a PhD degree in Ecology and Microbial Ecology in 1997, for which he obtained the award to the best PhD Dissertation on Aquatic Microbiology for the biennium 1996-1997 from the Spanish Society for Microbiology.

In 2004 he added to his prestige with the Award on Environmental Innovation from Foundation 3M. His main concern is Aquatic Ecology, related to the functional ecology of lakes and wetlands, microbial ecology of such ecosystems and the effect of climate change on Mediterranean and Antarctic lakes and wetlands.

He works on methodologies for the evaluation of ecological status of ecosystems and the conservation and restoration of aquatic ecosystems and water quality.

His research has taken him to the USA, France, The Netherlands, and Austria, and he has led five Antarctic expeditions in which multinational teams with researchers of 15 different countries carried out research on the functioning of terrestrial freshwater Antarctic ecosystems.


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