Valencian Architect Inspired ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’.
Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava has never received a contract from the planet Xandar, and yet, according to the credits of The Guardians of the Galaxy, the architecture of this world was inspired by Calatrava’s work, and especially his train station in the Belgian city of Liege.

It’s not the first time that this building by Calatrava has appeared on the silver screen. Other futuristic films include Bill Condon’s The Fifth Estate, featuring Benedict Cumberpatch and Lorna’s Silence (2008).
Calatrava’s emblematic City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia was of course one of the locations of Tomorrowland, with George Clooney and Hugh Laurie; filming taking place in the city in 2013.
Furthermore, in the film Faust (2000), one of many Barcelona locations was Calatrava’s Bach de Roda Bridge, where the climax of the film takes place.
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