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Valencia's Dragon Authors with Ximo Rovira - Valencia International


Valencia’s Dragon Authors with Ximo Rovira

The authors of Valencia: Here Be Dragons were interviewed on Radio Levante by well known presenter Ximo Rovira on 13th July 2017.

The interview can be heard here, selecting the date 13th July 2017 starting at minute 56:

Sunday 23rd April was Dragon Day in Valencia as a new concept in tourism was launched in the city.

The project consists of a bi-lingual book (English and Spanish), a video, a photographic exhibition and a walk-talk, (a guided tour of Valencia’s dragons in the historic centre), which took place at Valencia’s prestigious L’Iber Museum in calle Caballeros 22.

And at 4 pm, a group of some 30 dragon seekers, mainly local guides and teachers and reporters from EMV Levante newspaper, were able to participate in the Dragon Walk Talk around the historic centre visiting the main dragon lairs. Official guides and teachers were especially welcome as the creators of the project gave away the tour to any guide or teacher who wanted to make use of it.

The book costs 15€ paperback, the e-book 9.99€.

The book is published by the Valencian publishing company Obrapropia:–HERE-BE-DRAGONS

The project supposes another addition to Valencia’s wide cultural offer for tourists and follows the trend of ‘fantasy/conspiracy tourism,’ using real locations or history to fabricate tourist attractions, Loch Ness and the Da Vinci Code being the notorious examples.

The creators of the project are Bob Yareham, English and History teacher resident in Valencia since 1981 and Mark Sicon, an Anglo-Spanish photographer, trained at a well-known photography school in Valencia.

Mr Yareham is known in Valencia for his work with schools, where he has undertaken many projects such as 2,000 years of history through an underground map and a collaboration with the L’Iber Museum called ‘Hollywood & History,’ and he is also the author of the book Movies Made in Spain, the story of 720 English language films shot in Spain. Furthermore, he is President of ‘España de Cine,’ a non-profit making association that promotes cinema tourism initiatives.

The book explains why there are so many dragons in the architecture of Valencia, relating the history of dragons from the points of view of architecture, anthropology, history and legend, with a few carefully chosen fibs thrown in to add a bit of spice.

A new Dragon Walk around Valencia’s Ensanche district is being planned, as well as photographic exhibitions with English language activities for hotels, schools and libraries.





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