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Untouched by Human Hand - Valencia International


Untouched by Human Hand

From the udder straight to the bottle, that will be the story of Argentinian milk from no won as the Valencian robotics firm Rivas Robotics, part of Grupo Hurtado Rivas, Picassent (Valencia) takes over the automation of ten plants of the dairy company La Serenísima, de Hermanos Mastellone SA.

The turnkey Project will see the creation of three plants at Canals (Córdoba), Villa Mercedes (San Luis) and Trenque Lauquen (Buenos Aires), as well as further plants around the capital.

Rivas Robotics doesn’t only deal with milk, as they will also provide two robotic systems to package 120 cheeses per minute at Mastellone.

The Company had already robotised the powdered milk production and packaging process in 2016, and obviously found favour for their work.

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