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Turning Water into…………..Beer - Valencia International


Turning Water into…………..Beer

Alchemy is back in fashion and nothing need be what it was at first, as the quality, artisan beer makers at Mediterranea have demonstrated by turning sea water into beer, which has the residents of the Valencia Community drinking like fish.
Mind you, it’s not just any old water, but sea water extracted from places of high biological value rich in oxygen, minerals and other organic compounds of great value.
The resulting ale is known as Er Boqueron, and is so far the first and only beer in the world made from sea water, a form of desalination which will not provoke any kind of conflict among the peoples of old Iberia.

Mediterranea is based in Alicante although the production plant is in Xàtiva, an area that is at the forefront in the revolution of craft beers in the Valencia Community.
Like Champagne, Er Boqueron undergoes a second fermentation, producing its sparkle naturally.
The brewing process adheres strictly to a German purity law drafted in 1506 and has now found favour beyond the Mediterranean in countries such as UK, Japan and Australia, countries not unknown for their abundance of sea water.

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