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Tour & Kids launches #YoMeQuedoEnCasaConcurso, a video contest on social networks so that families can tell us first-hand how they spend their quarantine at home

According to the provisions of Royal Decree 463/2020 of 14 March, last week the state of alarm was declared for the management of the health crisis caused by the COVID-19. Therefore, despite the climate of fear and exceptionality that has triggered this epidemic, from Tour & Kids, we want to send a message of support and tranquility (as far as possible) and a total willingness to collaborate with the sector in containing this crisis, always putting the welfare of our workers first.

To help minimise this situation, Tour & Kids is working in coordination with Turisme Comunitat Valenciana, showing total support for our sector, being in permanent contact with all the companies and destinations that form part of T&K to overcome this situation in the best possible way.

From the Club de Producto de Turismo Familiar de la Comunitat Valenciana Tour & Kids, we want to continue supporting all our destinations and associated companies with the aim of minimizing as much as possible the negative effects of the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Now more than ever, and as a sign of solidarity and commitment, from Tour & Kids we want to do our bit to help each other overcome this crisis. From the first moment we have made available to our partners the online platforms we have, such as our website and social networks.

One of the consequences of the declaration of the state of alarm has been the general confinement of the population, which will be in force for the duration of the health crisis. Millions of us are in quarantine, confined to our homes and learning a new way of life that is undoubtedly involving a number of challenges such as teleworking, family life, educating our children, socializing and entertainment.

Video contest #YoMeQuedoEnCasaConcurso
To this end, and to help alleviate the effects of this confinement by promoting family entertainment, Tour & Kids has launched a video contest through the social network Facebook. #YoMeQuedoEnCasaConcurso is aimed at all those families with children and teenagers at home.
We want our families to show us through their home videos how they are spending their quarantine at home and how this coexistence with children and teenagers is. In the videos, they can show us how they carry out their daily activities, such as school homework, crafts, physical exercise, how they help with household chores, arranging their room and their toys, playing music, etc …
For all those who want to participate by uploading their videos, the platform is now available from last Saturday, March 21st at 9:00 am and until April 12th at 11:59 pm, period during which people will be able to vote for their favorite videos.
Once the voting period is over, the 3 videos with the most votes will be uploaded to the Tour & Kids Facebook page and a jury made up of Tour & Kids members will choose the winning video.
The winner of the #YoMeQuedoEnCasaConcurso will be announced on April 15th on our Facebook page and will have as a prize tickets for their family (2 adults and maximum 3 children) to one of the Tour & Kids theme parks (Aqualandia, Mundomar, Terra Mítica, Terra Natura or Aqua Natura in Benidorm and Aquarama in Benicàssim). Without a doubt, the whole family will have a great time enjoying their attractions.
From Tour & Kids we encourage all families to participate. Good luck to everyone!

For more information and media management:
Tour & Kids Technical Secretariat
Tfn: 960 077 927


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