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The Foundation for Justice - Valencia International


The Foundation for Justice

“The Foundation for Justice is a non profit making organisation that works in the field of Human Rights through our involvement in projects on three main areas: awareness raising, training and development cooperation.


Our goal is to contribute in influencing changes in attitudes and behaviour in society at large by assessing the current situation of justice and promoting values such as peace, democracy and solidarity both in Spain as well as in less developed countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.


  • Justice
  • Human Rights
  • Innovation
  • Independence
  • Commitment
  • Peace
  • Transparency

Fields of Work:

1. Assessing current situations of justice.

We carry out regular reports on the situation of Justice and Human Rights in Spain and Latin America

2. Training

We offer courses and seminars in subjects related to Law, especially in Human Rights aimed at professionals, students and members of NGOs interested in those topics.

3. Raising awareness.

From the Foundation, we consider crucial to make society aware about the importance and respect to Human Rights. For this purpose, we organise, participate and colaborate in campaigns and cultural events such as photograph exhibitions and charity sport competitions.

The most relevant activities in the Awareness Raising Area are:

International Film Festival on Peace and Human Rights

Every year The Foundation for Justice organises the International Film Festival on Peace and Human Rights with the aim of making accessible to the citizens of the Valencian Community the sort of films which are thought to be provocative  and to emphasise committment.

Prize: “Foundation for Justice”

This award is given to acknowledge a life-long work and dedication in the field of Justice and Human Rights. The candidates can be either individuals or institutions that have contributed to promoting and divulging the idea of Justice in its broadest sense: as a value, an aspiration and a commitment.

Candidates awarded in previous editions:

> D. Adolfo Suárez González, (1995)

> Tribunal de las Aguas de la Vega de Valencia, (1998)

> Asociación de Víctimas del Terrorismo, (2001)

> Asociación Pro-Búsqueda de Niños y Niñas Desaparecidos de El Salvador, (2004)

> Profesor Muhammad Yunus, (2006)

> Dña. Bogaletch Gebre, (2007)

> Padre Vicente Berenguer, (2008)

> Doctor Pedro Cavadas, (2009)

>Misioneras de la caridad (Hermanas de la congregación de la Madre Teresa de Calcuta) (2010)

>Servicio Jesuitas a Refugiados    (2011)

>Fundación MAIDES (2012)

Development and Cooperation

The Foundation for Justice designs and manages development cooperation projects in the areas of training, defence and respect for Human Rights in collaboration with prestigious local partners.


Project to reduce harmful traditional practices against women with the local group Ethiopian Women’s Lawyers Association.


Projects on micro-credits with Professor Mohamed Yunus and the Grameen Bank (Nobel Peace Prize 2006)

For further information contact:

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