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30th Sueca International Mime Festival: the Sound of Silence - Valencia International


30th Sueca International Mime Festival: the Sound of Silence

The 30th edition of Sueca’s International Mime Festival takes place from September 18th, 2019 to September 22nd.

28 companies will perform at 10 different scenarios, with over 60 performances including 11 premieres.

Among the international artists are Cirque Inextremiste and Claire Ducreux from France.

There will also be a photographic exhibition with more than 1,000 photos charting the history of the festival.

Spain’s only mime festival, considered one of the three most important in Europe, takes place in September in Sueca every year. In 2018 it took place from the 19th to the 23rd.

25 companies participated in 2018, including Un Pollo Rojo from Argentina or Oddmann Productions from Norway. The masterclass was given by Yves Marc, director of the Théâtre du mouvement.

The festival is divided into two sections: one for the general public and the other for mime professionals. There are indoor and open-air shows, training sessions and workshops with mime, pantomime, clown and circus techniques. There are also a host of other activities taking place around the festival.

Veteran French artist Clarie Heggen gave a master class in 2016, setting the scene for a truly international festival, and 2017 France offered Faux Populaire, for its first performance in Spain. The Master Class that year was given by Mauricio Celedón from Chile.

Belgium’s 2017 contribution was Okidok, while France was one of the biggest international contributors with Blick Theatre, as well as the French-Chilean group Teatro del Silencio.

Previous international stars have included the Forman Brothers Theatre from the Czech Republic, as well as Mulïer from the Maduixa Teatre of Sweden;  Lullaby from Cao à Chuva (Portugal); Transports Exceptionnels from Cie Beau Geste and Parfait Etat de Marche by Cie 1 Watt, both from France, Stalker Stilt Theatre (Australia), Dram-Bakus, Jo Bithûme and La Jacquerie (France), CVOCI-Cracy Mimes (Czech Republic), Jango Edwards (U.S.A.), Pantakin from Venice and Teatro Scientífico from Verona (Italy).

In 2015  the 26th edition, offered the French company Underclouds and the Australians Circa, with performances from 25 different companies; 32 hours of spectacle.




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