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Stories to Save Monica's Life - Valencia International


Stories to Save Monica’s Life


On the 13 and 27 of December 2013, the Valencian NGO Tramundi are organising a story telling session in order to raise funds so that a young Kenyan girl, Monica Achieng, can pay for an operation.

MONICA (kenia)

Monica was born in a rural area of Kenya, where her father died in a traffic accident and her mother was raped by her brother in law in order to obtain the inheritance. As a consequnce she contracted AIDS and died in 2004.

Three years later three of her brothers were killed during rioting in Nairobi, and in 2011 her little sister died of a kidney infection.

Fortunately for her, a collaborator of Tramundi, Pepa Llesma decided to help the family aspire to an education and a better life.
Now Monica is a university student who loves to read and tell stories and she is also a volunteer at her local church.

Unfortunately she is now suffering from cancer and needs a bone marrow transplant to survive.

The hospital has agreed to pay half the costs and Tramundi hope to find the rest. As such they have organised two story telling sessions with the collaboration of  La Rana de la Boca Grande

The sessions will take place at 18.00 hours at C/ Santa Rosa 8, Bajo. Valencia
A minimum voluntary contribution of 5€ is asked for and registration is required at

A card from Pepa, Monica’s Godmother can be read here:
Dear all,

Please, find the link to our video “dancing for Monica” that we have recorded to help Monica Achieng (Kenya) with her medical care and hospital expenses.

In Tramundi we Help Other People and enjoy what we do… but cannot do it without you!.

Help us to reach more people! THANKS!

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