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Spanish Hollywood Premiere - Valencia International


Spanish Hollywood Premiere

‘Spanish Hollywood’ is a new activity for secondary schools created by Valencia International.

camp de turia

The activity is designed to make students realise the importance of the international cinema in Spain’s recent history, where Spain is the non-English speaking country that has produced most English language films in the world, over 700.

As students learn about those films, they also learn to use the Internet to search for information, as they will one day have to do at University.

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The activity coincides with the publication of Bob Yareham, the Valencia International editor’s new book, Movies Made in Spain, published in June2016.

Students at IES Camp de Turia, and their hard-working teachers Angel and Ester were the first to try out this new initiative, which will be touring the whole country in the near future.

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Our thanks to those teachers and to the students for allowing us to drag them away from their exam preparation.

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