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Smog Over Sofia; the Valencian Solution - Valencia International


Smog Over Sofia; the Valencian Solution

As in many other cities around the globe the air over Sofia (Bulgaria) is polluted with fine particles (Particulate Matter 10). The city is situated in a valley, surrounded by mountains to the north and south, reducing the circulation of air, which leaves the polluted air lingering over the city for prolonged periods of time. During the cold months the issue is at its worst –  PM 10 exceeds the recommended concentrations. The main contributing factors to this threatening issue are the domestic use of solid fuels (especially in winter time) as well as the heavy traffic of old private vehicles and lack of wind due to the topography of the region..

From this problem The Sofia Challenge 2017 was born; a competition to find a solution through technology.


And the winner is…..Valencia; or to be more specific, the Valencian company Discomon, who was better than all the rest with their project Kien Mu

As most of us know, the World tree is usually distinguished from the other sacred trees by its location in the Centre of the Empire and World. It symbolizes the World Axis, the link between Earth and Heaven through which spirits travel according to Chinese legend.

Kien Mu, the Erect Tree, naturally evokes the World Axis, and is the name given to an environmental creation, far from mythical, created by the Valencian company Discomon, and which has won the Sofia Urban Challenge 2017.

Discomon’s Kien Mu is also a kind of tree, but one designed to help overcome pollution in our cities. The company takes advantage of existing urban objects such as lampposts or kiosk and incorporates devices that reduce CO2 levels.

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