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Sink Market Soars in Valencia - Valencia International


Sink Market Soars in Valencia

Spain is the country where I discovered the concept of the double sink, and a wonderful moment it was. Ever since then, when one sink is full to the brim with dirty crockery, n sometimes other stuff, I just start filling the other one until help arrives.


Poalgi is a Valencian company that manufactures sinks, showers and sundry forms of domestic pleasure (or at least I imagine they are pleasurable as their slogan “we hope you enjoy your sink …”

They are leaders in the manufacture of synthetic sinks in the Spanish market, with over 20 years experience and a great asset: the loyalty of their customers and the presence in the international market.

Their own product department designs and develops cutting-edge materials a variety of finishes, allowing us to offer sinks that make a difference in the market. One such technological breakthrough has been the development of Linature, a material that protects and respects the environment. Not only that, this material contains antibacterial properties, which are 98% effective in preventing the proliferation of bacteria in sinks, thus further ensuring optimum hygiene and cleanliness in kitchens.


At the Marmomacc 2014 Fair in Verona in September 2014 the company announced a 30% increase in earnings in the first quarter of 2014.


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