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Say “Cheese!” Say “Valencia”. - Valencia International


Say “Cheese!” Say “Valencia”.

Valencia is not normally noted for its cheese, but more for its fruits, vegetables, wines and olive oil. Nevertheless, Valencian cheese makers have demonstrated that they are among the finest; or at least that’s what the judges of the World Cheese Awards think.

Normally held in London, this leading competition was held in November 2016 in San Sebastian.

350 judges tasted 3,021 competing cheeses as invidious mice looked on.

Although the winner was a Norwegian blue, the 3,000 odd entries are reduced to 66 Super Gold cheeses, then to 16 until a winner is found.

El Parral from Barxeta was one of the Super Gold winners with Granja El Parral, and also achieved silver and bronze medals.


Hoya de la Iglesia from Los Pedrones, Requena, meanwhile got a gold for its goat cheese, Servilleta Tierno and silver for its cow cheese El Pedrón.


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