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Reborn in the USA - Valencia International


Reborn in the USA

For the first time ever, more people are reading Valencia International in the USA than in Spain. We are not sure if this is because Americans will read just about anything that doesn’t mention Donald Trump, but it is satisfying to know that across the pond, (oops! We mentioned Donald Trump…..twice) more and more people are bathing in the honey-golden light of our, admittedly, partisan view of the overwhelming advantages of living somewhere you can enjoy over 300 days of sunlight a year, eat well, never feel lonely and cycle everywhere (except upstairs perhaps).

So, where in the good old USA do they read us most? Well, according to Google Analytics, with statistics from October 2020, the winners are:

1.            Virginia

2.            Illinois  

3.            California            

4.            Texas   

5.            Delaware            

6.            New York            

7.            Florida 

8.            Maryland                           

  9.            Pennsylvania                    

10.          Arizona

So, we are most popular in good old tobacco growing Virginia; isn’t that nice?

Hang on a minute; isn’t the Pentagon in Virginia?

Perhaps we shouldn’t have mentioned Donal Trump…………..again.

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