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Ofifran Tabling Saudi Motions - Valencia International


Ofifran Tabling Saudi Motions

English is a wonderful language; where else can you table a motion, chair a meeting, or discover that a cupboard was originally just a board where people kept their cups before they broke the fast of the night?

The Valencian company Ofifran also knows a thing or two about furniture, and that maybe why the Saudi Arabian government commissioned the table around which their cabinet will take all its important decisions in the future.

Since 1990, the company has designed, manufactured and commercialized furniture in more than 50 countries. With its headquarters in the Pobla de Vallbona, the company focuses on office furniture.

The Saudi table was a combination of olive ash, cherry and black stained boxwood fillet, 22 metres long and 4.5 metres wide in an oval shape, with space for 47 people.


In September 2016 M3 Arquitectos y Proyectos SA de CV introduced the Ofifran products into Mexico through the opening of their new premises. The opening was witnessed by more than 200 guests in the Naucalpan de Juarez Area.

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