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Nuria is Nuts about Saving Water - Valencia International


Nuria is Nuts about Saving Water

Nuria Pascual-Seva is one of many Valencian researchers looking to make a better, brighter future in any small way possible, and in recognition of her efforts, she has received the Young Minds Award at the International Symposium on Root and Tuber Crops: Value Added Crops for the Next Generation.

The prize was awarded by ISHS, the International Society for Horticultural Science at its symposium held in Turkey in August 2018 for her work on saving water in the cultivation of tiger nuts, which are grown around Valencia and used to make its traditional drink: horchata.

See our article about tiger nuts and horchata:

Sightings on the Trail of the Tiger Nut

To enable growers to determine the tubers’ water needs, it is necessary to determine the crop evapotranspiration. This experiment was carried out on an experimental plot of the Universitat Politècnica de València, within the traditional tiger nut cultivation area.

The plot used includes a lysimetric station, which enables the determination of the daily crop evapotranspiration. Furthermore, the plot is equipped with an agro-meteorological station, which provides the necessary parameters for determining the daily reference evapotranspiration through the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith method.

This contribution presents a first approximation to determine the single crop coefficient for tiger nuts, and it is currently being continued with the aim of determining the dual crop coefficient for the nuts.

The use of the crop coefficient will enable irrigation water doses to be adjusted to water requirements, thus reducing the volume of water applied and improving irrigation efficiency.

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