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Minding Gardens - Valencia International


Minding Gardens

The Biodiversity Gardens project is an environmental education initiative that works through recycling and circular economy workshops, using school gardens as a pedagogical tool.

   More than 100 teachers will be trained in ecological agriculture and circular economy with the 3Rs workshops.

The Biodiversity Gardens project continues to grow, incorporating new Autonomous Communities and new educational centres every year in order to raise awareness of the circular economy, sustainable production and the conservation of traditional agricultural varieties through school gardens.

This year, as a novelty, a large part of the efforts will be dedicated to teacher training where more than 100 teachers from Castilla-La Mancha and the Valencian Community will learn to set up gardens in their schools at zero cost and develop dynamics to work with students on the circular economy. These are official courses carried out with the collaboration of the Department of Education of the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha and the Teacher Training Centre (CEFIRE) of Elda and Castellón. They will have a theoretical part online and a practical part in person that will take place in the orchards of Villacañas (Toledo), Mota del Cuervo (Cuenca), Torreblanca (Castellón) and Petrer (Alicante), with the collaboration of the town councils of these municipalities.

To support teacher training, a manual of “3R Workshops in Allotments” will be designed that teachers can use to plan activities and games in the allotments of their schools, getting students to learn by playing using the allotment as a teaching tool.

Biodiversity Gardens was created with the aim of consolidating school gardens as educational spaces where schoolchildren can be trained in the separation of organic materials and in models of circular economy, as well as promoting the recovery of agricultural biodiversity and traditional agricultural management linked to local varieties.

 More and more schools are joining in this project coordinated by the Global Nature Foundation with the support of Ecoembes, the non-profit environmental organization that coordinates packaging recycling in Spain, and the collaboration of public entities and organizations

In September 2020, the new project website will be published, with the aim of becoming the reference website for School Gardens and Recycling, where teachers and students can find all the necessary information to start up gardens independently and where they can consult all the material generated during the years of the project.

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