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The Massamagrell Butcher in Portugal - Valencia International


The Massamagrell Butcher in Portugal

The first time I walked into Pollos Planes, I must admit I was expecting the chickens to be flat, and perhaps boneless; but it was pointed out to me that Planes was the surname of the owner, and his chain of shops and restaurants is growing so fast, that they have decided to go international.

Butchery is his main activity, but the logical step to supplying his own restaurants with meat has been largely successful and ‘La Parrilla de Pollos Planes’ now has eleven restaurants grilling and frying those chicken wings in Barcelona, Madrid, Zaragoza, Elx, Castellón and Valencia.


More restaurants are in the pipeline, and it won’t be long before Valencian chicken is gracing the tables of franchise restaurants in Madrid, Barcelona and, now in Lisbon.

Furthermore, the company’s owner Juan Planes, has announced the opening of a new restaurant in Valencia selling ‘casual food’.

‘Meat and Bread’ is its curious name it can be found in Valencia’s Gran Vía Marqués de Turia.
The new eatery will branch out into the growing designer hamburger market.

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