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Masía El Altet Olive Oils: Among the Best - Valencia International


Masía El Altet Olive Oils: Among the Best

The World’s Best Olive Oils (WBOO), basing its results on 19 fairs and events worldwide, has determined that among the 50 best olive oils produced around the globe, four belong to a single Valencian producer, Masía El Altet.

Its High End brand obtained 11th place worldwide.


El Altet cultivates its olives in a narrow valley, surrounded by the mountains of the Sierra de Mariola with vegetation of pine, home oak, kermes oak, savin, juniper, ash, maple, gall oak, on 70 hectares, using drip irrigation system, obtaining its high quality oil from some 14,500 olive trees.

Half of the olive farm lies within the Font Roja Nature Reserve and the other half in the Sierra de Mariola Nature Reserve.

The varieties of olives they grow are: Picual, Arbequina, Genovesa, Blanqueta, Alfarenca and Changlot Real, (including four autoctonous varieties).

Masía El Altet has won prizes in Japan, Italy, the USA, Germany, France,

Their oils are of course virgen extra, which means that the oil is extracted from the first pressing.

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the best edible oils with antioxidant properties and health benefits. It also has one of the highest levels of monounsaturated fatty acids of all oils, which may help lower the risk of heart disease, and it is also rich in fat-soluble vitamin K and vitamin E.

Masia el Altet has also obtained the maximum international award in one of the most important contests in the world. The producer from Alicante took part in the Olivinus 2014 contest celebrated in Argentina, and its High End “picual” variety obtained the Great International Prize of this contest in which more than 500 producers of extra virgin oil took part, bringingthe total number of awards to 50 this season.

But it was not the only award. Masia el Altet obtained at the Olivinus, with four of its extra virgin olive oils each obtaining a medal of Great Prestige. In addition, at the same contest a children’s tasting took place and the High End from Masia el Altet was chosen among 25 oils that the children liked most.

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