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Innovatac Feels the Heat - Valencia International


Innovatac Feels the Heat

“How are you? Oh, don’t worry, I can see from here.” This could be the future is a Valencian company from Alcoy is successful in the development of its new technology.

Innovatec S&C has developed a device that can measure body temperature from a distance, an advance with clear advantages in view of the recent Ebola scare.


The device, named TherCom, has obtained the certifícate needed to be introduced into the healthcare marketplace after eight years of research.

The device is capable of measuring the body temperature of four different parts of the body simultaneously every 30 seconds and then transmit the results obtained wirelessly.

Thercom has clear advantages when controlling the state of patients in quarantine, a word invented in Italy, referring to the forty days that cities with plague outbreaks had to be shut up and isolated.

Innovatec Sensing & Communication S.L.was launched in 2006 by a group of engineers to focus on the research and development of technology devices, systems, advanced textiles, and related services.. Since then, the company has established itself as a major player internationally as a developer of high value technologies, working either for private companies or for the public sector.

Although its headquarters is in Alcoy, the company also has offices in the USA and India.

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