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IES Malilla Walking and Talking Tour of Alboraya - Valencia International


IES Malilla Walking and Talking Tour of Alboraya

A group of students from IES Malilla and their heroic geography teacher Ángel spent a wet, muddy morning discovering monuments, mysteries, legends, etymology, religion, millennia, gastronomy, nutrition, ecology, ghosts, water, earth, fire, birds, invasion, mathematics, sustainability, threats, industry, resentment, reverence and disputes, to name but a few things, on a walking talking tour of Alboraya on Tuesday December 16th 2014.


The walk was essentially a CLIL activity, in that it included elements of Languages, History, Geography, Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and, obviously, Physical Education!

This was the first group of students to try out this new activity created by Valencia International and now available to schools.

Students found out how the tiger nut got its name, why three fish are better than two and the connection between Marilyn Monroe and artichokes.


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