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Here Come's Hood Sun - Valencia International


Here Come’s Hood Sun

Hood Sun is a brand of sunglasses that takes its name from none other than Robin Hood, the legendary and probably mythical character from English folklore who stole from the rich and gave to the poor; or so it is claimed.

The creators of this product hail from Biar, a small town in the province of Alicante with an impressive castle.

When you buy a pair of their sunglasses you are emulating Robin Hood; not so much in the stealing from the rich part, but in giving 5% of the cost price to worthy causes.

Consequently, 5% of the company’s revenue goes to NGOs Cocemfe, Apadis and the Unoentrecienmil Foundation.

Apadis Works with the disabled, helping them to join the workforce, while Unoentrecienmil dedicates its efforts to child leukaemia research.

The company is the brainchild of brothers Tomás, Pepe and Esteban Sanchis, and they also collaborate as sponsors of local festivals such as Spring Festival or Low Festival.


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