Healthier with HealthEar
Health Ear is a Valencian project from a team formed by Daniel Iordanov, Andima Beitia, Javier Silva and Roque Belda, students of the Universitat Politècnica de València. “Its purpose was to reduce the amount of noise that reaches the eardrum, especially in the case of some professions or environments. To achieve this, they have designed an apparatus that is placed on the ear and minimizes it dynamically. This reduction is made according to the characteristics of the noise and adapts it to the sensitivity of each person in particular”, Miguel Usach, applications engineer at Analog Devices Spain, has said.

Otitis is a pain in the neck as most sufferers know, and the work of the Valencian team has been recognised internationally by the First European University Design Contest held in Munich, Germany in April 2018.
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