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Guilt, Showers and Better Things - Valencia International


Guilt, Showers and Better Things

If somebody ever discovers how to bottle and sell guilt, they will make a fortune. People enjoy feeling guilty pleasure, and never so much so than when they are spending an excessive time in the shower, enjoying all that hot water and soap long after they are three times clean.

Of course, the water bills are worrying, and ecology……..? Hey, come on, this is Valencia, where the local festival, Fallas, consists of burning things.

Fortunately guilt will soon be a thing of the past now that the Valencian company Esferic Better Things has found a way to save three litres of water per shower, by capturing the cold water that comes out of the shower at the beginning, for reuse later on.

better things

The company has calculated that if everyone in Spain used their invention once a day, 40,000 millon litres of water could be saved every year.


The company is presently negotiating is entrance into the American markets, both north and south, for 2016.

The company was founded by Suso Chulvi, Víctor Pinto and Javier Esteve.


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