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Francesc Ribalta and Solidarity - Valencia International


Francesc Ribalta and Solidarity



We are students of a High School in Castellón called Francesc Ribalta. We are working in a programme called Aprofundiment which we chose last September. This is a programme where 2 groups of students with a good academic profiles work in a project.

This year we are studying about Solidarity. We have chosen it due to the dramatic events that are happening these years.

We are doing a web page in ITC with a questionnaire that we passed to all the students of the High School and we examined the answers and we reached conclusions.

Our Maths teacher invented a story of solidarity in numbers. Now we are rehearsing this play.


In the Biology class we talked about solidarity among animals and we watched videos of some species like elephants which leave the group to wait for the baby elephant that can’t walk as fast as the rest.


In our English class we talked about Solidarity. In the first term we prepared a Christmas market. So we went to shops to ask them to give us clothes, games, perfume. We gave the money to Fuvane, which works with children with cerebral palsy.

We filmed a video for Swedish students. In it we showed them the most interesting parts of the high school (natural science museum, telescope, the observatory).


Some interesting people came to our class to talk to us about some things in the field of Solidarity.

Roberto, a former student in our school prepared a presentation about publicity and how to be critical with the advertisements.

Vivianne, a Swiss girl who is studying the Master of Peace, told us interesting things about refugees and a campaign to collect clothes and blankets for them.


Finally Irene, the dauther of our Maths teacher, explained her stay in a poor area in Argentina and what she learned about the local people.


We went to Valencia to learn how Fuvane works, we donated the money we raised with the Christmas Market. Fuvane helps children with cerebal palsy to be more autonomous. Later, some students of the Polytechnic University explained to us a very fast car that they are designing. Their project is possible thanks to working in groups.


In May we will participate in an activity called “Primavera Educativa” in Valencia.

We are very proud of the work that we are carrying out!


Carolina, Laura, Patricia, Alba, Núria, Laia, Sara, Nuria… on behalf of the two groups of students of Aprofundiment.



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