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Educational Bracelets - Valencia International


Educational Bracelets

From the Mainel Foundation we present the solidarity bracelet Los Tesoros de Bosque, the result of our collaboration with the artist Ouka Leele and the firm Condé de Diamante. Every time a person buys this jewel, they contribute to the Scholarship programs for girls that we support in different places where the universal right to education is violated.

Education is of fundamental importance in breaking the cycle of poverty. That is why we want to guarantee the right to an equitable education in rural and impoverished communities. Because if we manage to keep a girl in school, she will have better opportunities for development and self-improvement, both for herself and for her family.

Thanks to education, girls will become women capable of fighting for their rights.

Thanks to education, girls will be able to escape the harsh reality of child employment or prostitution.

Thanks to education, girls will be able to live their childhoods as girls.

The solidarity bracelet “Treasures of the Forest” has a selling price of 120€ With a bracelet you can cover the scholarship of a girl for a year, although each case is different and has a different treatment.

The limited edition bracelets – of which only seven units will be made – will cost 500 euros. All of them have Ouka Leele’s certificate of authenticity and Condé de Diamante’s manufacturing guarantee.

To buy one, you can contact the Mainel Foundation at 96 392 41 76, sending a message from whatsapp to 676 000 466 or writing an email to

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